The company was founded in 1938 by Tan See Giam. He created a traditional recipe of tea blending using traditional appliances such as charcoal stoves and cooking pots. Starting just from a humble household industry, the company has now become one of the largest tea manufacturers in Indonesia.
The current management is led by Tatang Budiono, the third generation proprietor, and has taken the historic company from its primitive methods of producing tea. The company now incorporates modern technology in the manufacturing process and is not open for franchise. Tong Tji brand is currently a well established brand with product.
In the early 1990s Tong Tji developed its first tea bag product, Tong Tji Celup Jasmine, which has now become the leader in its category in many modern market stores all over the country.
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- Pengalaman sebagai PPIC Manager minimal 3 tahun
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Contact person : 085875210272 a/n Yustinus
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