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Selasa, 11 November 2008

Beasiswa New Hall College, University of Cambridge Scholarship

New Hall College, University of Cambridge menyediakan bantuan dana beasiswa untuk kandidat siswa setiap tahunnya. Jika Anda telah memilih New Hall sebagai kampus pilihan pertama di formulir aplikasi, Anda berhak untuk mengikuti program beasiswa ini yang disediakan oleh The Korner studentship, New Hall Campus dan BP Centenary.

New Hall has generous funding available for graduates, especially in relation to the size of its graduate population. Gifts by BP enable us to offer support to a number of overseas candidates each year. The Körner studentship and the college’s own Overseas Bursaries provide further funding opportunities. For UK and EU students, we can fully support up to 2 PhD students through the University’s Domestic Research Studentship Schemes.
If you have selected New Hall as your College of first choice on your graduate application form and would like to apply for one of our BP Centenary Awards, a Stephan Körner Graduate Scholarship or an Overseas Bursary, please complete our online application form.

Further details of all these scholarship awards are given below.
1. BP Centenary Studentships
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: Overseas students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on a PhD course.
Subject: Any
Value: £8000 per year
Number: 2
Notes: Preference will be given to students from Russia, Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union; China; the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Southern Africa and South Asia.

2. BP Centenary Bursaries (PhD)
Duration: 3 years (renewal subject to satisfactory progress)
Eligibility: Overseas students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on a PhD course.
Subject: Any
Value: £2000 per year
Number: 6
Notes: Preference will be given to students from Russia, Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union; China; the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Southern Africa and South Asia.

3. BP Centenary Bursaries (MPhil / LLM)
Duration: 1 years
Eligibility: Overseas students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on an MPhil or LLM course.
Subject: Any
Value: £2000
Number: 4
Notes: Preference will be given to students from Russia, Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union; China; the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Southern Africa and South Asia.

4. The Stephan Körner Graduate Scholarship
Duration: 1 or 3 years
Eligibility: Students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on an MPhil or a PhD course.
Subject: Philosophy, Classics and Law
Value: £3500 per year
Number: 1
Notes: The online application form (see above) should be submitted at the same time as the University GRADSAF, and should arrive no later than 1 April.

Each BP Centenary Award is matched by an equal grant from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust or Cambridge Overseas Trust, thus doubling the sums available. Please fill the online application form here.
Any queries about any of the above should be addressed to the Tutorial Administrator:

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